ELP Testimonials

R. Chavez

Rafael Chavez

Granite Construction


“My earliest memories include playing with construction toys as a 5-year-old; now, I’m living my dream of collaborating closely with leaders in the industry. The IRTBA Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) serves as a bridge that has united individuals who are passionate about the transportation industry in Illinois. ELP has paved the way for professional development and networking— integral qualities of being an Illinois Road Builder. The wealth of knowledge and memories gained within the ELP program is revolutionary. I will cherish my participation in the program as it has been fundamental to the foundation within my career in the heavy-highway industry.”

D. Faerber

Dan Faerber

Dunnet Bay Construction


“Construction has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. However, there were many aspects of the construction industry that I wasn’t exposed to prior to this program. Insurance, banking, and legislation were some of the topics the program dove into and provided me with invaluable insights. The most impactful experience I had was the time spent with individuals in all walks of the construction industry. As a contractor, I gained a stronger appreciation and understanding for the engineering and design community. We were also able to spend time with elected officials, the IRTBA board of directors, and other senior leaders of the industry. Relationships garnered during this time are extraordinary and will last my entire career. There isn’t a better way for young professionals to foster these types of relationships than being involved in the ELP.”

A. Kotsakis

Anastasia Kotsakis

Collins Engineers, Inc.


“I am a Structural Engineer with over 10 years of experience in transportation design and construction engineering. While I work with contractors every day, joining the Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) really opened my eyes to how many aspects go into getting a project built from concept to completion. I got a real understanding of the bigger picture and processes that I don’t see day-to-day doing design and site visits. I was able to interact with experts and explore other vital industries such as trucking, banking, contracting, and lobbying. Not only is the program a learning experience, but ELP gave me the opportunity to do things I never thought I would, such as lobbying in State government in Springfield and Congress in Washington D.C. Last, but certainly not least, ELP gave me the opportunity to access and expand my network. ”


S. Jaramilla

Frank “Sonny” Jaramilla

HNTB Corporation


“My ELP experience introduced me to new diverse roles, and perspectives in the world of transportation at local and national levels. The courses are taught from first-hand instructors for every phase of projects, and a multitude of roles -- from lobbying to funding, inception to planning, design to contracting, and claims to closeout, all while allowing the class to connect on professional relationships along the way. If you are willing to invest the time and focus, the ELP can help you realize and advance your professional path and place in our industry.”


S. Mora

Sarah Mora

R.M. Chin & Associates


“Being active in a leadership program like ELP has been a game changer. After going through this program, I am more confident at industry events – with familiar faces by my side and more knowledge under my belt. Initially, it was nerveracking to step out of my comfort zone, but now I have made valuable connections, expanded upon my technical skill set, and gained a more comprehensive understanding of the transportation industry. I strongly encourage others to seek out leadership programs for career development. You won’t regret it!”


T. Siewert

Tim Siewert

Plote Construction


“Emerging Leaders Program introduced me to other professionals within the roadbuilding industry, provided valuable insight into various aspects of the industry beyond my normal scope, and stressed the importance of local, state, and federal government involvement in the funding that supports our infrastructure. ELP was a very well put together program with involvement with all the ELP members, IRTBA leadership and presenters. I hope to continue to work with my fellow ELP members to help move the industry forward for years to come.”



A. Kleiknwachter

Amanda Kleinwachter

Civiltech Engineering, Inc.


“As a Transportation Engineer working primarily on Complete Streets focused pedestrian and bicycle projects, the ELP provided exposure to aspects of the industry that I don’t encounter in my day-to-day role. The program allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and introduced me to different aspects of the industry that impact my work and my projects - from legislation, to funding, to construction. Not only did I make connections with fellow classmates, but also with industry leaders, agencies, and other key personnel within road building. Striking up conversations and making connections at large industry events can be intimidating, but attending events as an Emerging Leader helped me form relationships naturally and in different settings. The DC experience was the highlight of the program for me, and I am grateful to IRTBA for the opportunity to participate!”


J. Krug

Jennifer Krug McNaughton

K-Five Construction


"To guarantee a meaningful future for IRTBA, focus must be given to young, energetic individuals who will one day lead the industry. Investment in the Emerging Leadership Program is vital to our future. Bringing together a small group from member firms across IRTBA’s platforms for an intensive year-long educational experience achieves such. We are proud supporters of the ELP program. We’ve had numerous graduates who now hold senior leadership positions across our company. ​​​The ability to concentrate knowledge on widely different facets of transportation in Illinois including introductions to current association leadership, elected local and national officials, as well as IRTBA staff is critical to gaining an edge over the constant challenges and obstacles facing transportation."


J. Chamberlain

Julie Chamberlin

Berger Excavating

Participant & Sponsor

“I started out as a participant in Emerging Leaders with the goal of expanding my knowledge about the industry as a whole, furthering my advocacy efforts, and to network with fellow leaders. I saw such a huge value and return on the investment that I have since sponsored six of our employees as they pursued gaining a big picture view of transportation and developing business relationships with fellow leaders, agency professionals, and even heads of State Government.”